Monday, February 4, 2013

Long time, no talk!


Long time, no talk! I'm sorry about that! School breaks make me so lazy, and then I moved temporarily for an internship at...

... wait for it...


I'm working at Hollywood Studios in Outdoor Foods, and it is wonderful. There are a lot of cranky adults who get mad at me, but the little pirates and princesses I get to create magic for every day make up for it. And yes, even in ODF magic moments are created.

Like a few days ago, when a little girl and her grandmother walked up to the ice cream stand I was at and ordered a mickey premium bar. (Vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate in the shape of mickey.) I gave the girl her ice cream, then told her grandmother the price. The grandmother instantly said "Oh, that's way too expensive! Put that back."  However, the girl had already opened the ice cream. Fortunately, I hadn't finished ringing up the order, so I just said "don't worry about it, it's on Mickey." The grandmother thanked me, and then told the girl "tell this nice lady thank you!", then made her thank me a second time because she didn't smile. The little girl turned to me with the ice cream bar in her mouth and a huge smile on her face and said thanks, and it was so wonderful.

There are so many moments when I hand a kid ice cream, and they get so excited about having ice cream that looks like Mickey Mouse! I get so many comments saying "this is so awesome. I'm going to eat this right now. I'm so excited." It's just as magical for me as it is for the guests.

In baking news,  well, it's rather difficult to bake in a half-furnished kitchen in Disney College Program housing. I'm doing my best though! I've started working on a new recipe, Nutella fudge mini pies! I have a bit more development to do to perfect the recipe, and then I will share it here with you all, hopefully in time for Valentines Day!

Until then, have a magical day!